![Depeche Mode Lyon 2001](https://pimpfdm.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/dm_lyon_2001.jpg?w=300)
Setlist :
- Easy Tiger / Dream On
- The Dead of Night
- The Sweetest Condition
- Halo
- Walking in My Shoes
- Dream On
- When the Body Speaks
- Waiting for the Night
- It Doesn't Matter Two
- Breathe
- Freelove
- Enjoy the Silence
- I Feel You
- In Your Room
- It's No Good
- Personal Jesus
- Home
- Clean
- Black Celebration
- Never Let Me Down Again
FR : Petit souvenir de la tournée Exciter, pour le concert de la Halle Tony Garnier, rencontrer enfin les 3 membres de Depeche Mode à l'époque pour leur fameuse séance "Meet and Greet" qui est fait pendant que le premier artiste / groupe (Fad Gadget aussi de chez Mute Records) passe sur scène, ils viennent, serrent la main, nous signent quelques objets, une photo pour immortaliser l'évènement et hop ça roule...
Je suis sur la photo mais je ne vous dirais pas ou :)
Un sacré souvenir ce jour la d'avoir pu rencontrer ainsi de près ce groupe qui m'a beaucoup marqué par le passé.
Je me souviens de ce moment, ce voyage fait en car vers Lyon pour assister à ce concert de DM sur place, la découverte de la Halle Tony Garnier, et cette attente avant d'entrer en salle, il faisait un temps pourri durant ce mois d'Octobre, l'attente sous le froid et la pluie n'a pas été de toute repos, je me souviens d'amis à l'époque qui avait attendu tout ce temps sous la pluie pour être les premiers dans la fosse près de la scène.
Je me souviens aussi de mon excitation à ce moment, on se demande toujours ce qui va nous passer par la tête, comment on va réagir, ce qu'on va dire, 50 millions de choses en même temps.
Une fois entré dans la salle, je regarde la salle, je retrouve mon contact de chez Labels à l'époque qui distribuait Depeche Mode en 2001 et avec qui on collaborait et la je récupère mon fameux pass backstage afin d'aller enfin rencontrer le groupe. J'étais aux anges j'avoue car je n'avais rien demandé et on m'avait offert cette opportunité je lui en remercie.
La on nous briefe rapidement, nous demandant de nous aligner de préparer nos objets à signer et d'attendre... d'encore attendre ...
Et la ils débarquent tous les 4??? ah oui Dave Gahan, Martin Gore et Andrew Fletcher avec son fils Joe avec ses lunettes de soleil (sur la photo), ils nous serrent la main, nous sourient on leur dit quelques mots, ils sourient, nous répondent rapidement, signent chacun de nos objets, prennent la pose pour la photo, nous remercient et nous saluent en partant, et voila fini.
De retour nous avons regagné la salle, et on nous a fait mettre sur le devant de la scène, bref pas eu à attendre ni faire la queue, surement au détriment de certains qui attendaient depuis des heures. Tout ceci a semblé durer une éternité et n'a semblé passer comme un flash aussi... bizarre comme sensation, 3 gars plutôt sympa, très humains ,et pas dans le style rock star à se la péter avec nous, ce que j'ai apprécié...
voila un petit souvenir que je tenais à partager...
EN : Some nice memories of the Excitertour Excite, for the concert of halle Tony Garnier in Lyon , to meet finally 3 members of Depeche Mode at that time and for their famous session " Meet and Greet " that occurs while another artist / group performs on stage before they come in (Fad Gadget also from Mute Records) .
They usually, shake hands, sign some items we bring with us and a photo to immortalize the event and here we go...
I'm on the picture but I won't tell you where...
What a great souvenir from that day when I finally had the chance to meet that group that influenced me so much in my life.
I remember that time, this trip made by bus to Lyon to attend this concert of DM on site, the discovery of the Halle Tony Garnier, and this expectation before entering the Halle Tony Garnier, it was a hell of a weather during this October month , waiting outside in the cold and rain was not the easiest or funniest moment , I remember friends at that time who had waited all this time in the rain to be the first in the pit near the scene.
I also remember my excitement at this time, you always wonder what will go through our heads, how they will react, what will be said, at the same time 50 million things.
I also remember my excitement at this time, you always wonder what will go through our heads, how they will react, what will be said, at the same time 50 million things.
Once in the concert hall , I look at the place , I found my contact from Labels ( music company) at the time that distributed Depeche Mode in 2001 and with whom we collaborated and I get my famous backstage pass to meet the band finally go . I was thrilled because I admit I did not ask anything for it and I was offered this opportunity, so I thank him for that.
They quickly announced us how it was scheduled , asking us to prepare our objects to sign and waiting ... still waiting ...
They quickly announced us how it was scheduled , asking us to prepare our objects to sign and waiting ... still waiting ...
And there they come all 4 ??? oh yes 4 : Dave Gahan, Martin Gore and Andrew Fletcher with his
son Joe with his sunglasses ( that you can see on picture), they shake hands with us, we smile we say a few words, they smile, we respond quickly sign each of our objects pose for the photo, thank us and greet us leaving, and voila it's over.
Back then we returned to the pit / concert hall, and we were put on the front of the stage, finally being more lucky than those who had to wait in line, probably at the expense of some others in there. All this seemed to last an eternity and has seemed to pass like a flash too ... weird sensation like, 3 guys quite nice, very human, not in rock star style with us, which I enjoyed ...
Here is a souvenir that I wanted to share ...
Back then we returned to the pit / concert hall, and we were put on the front of the stage, finally being more lucky than those who had to wait in line, probably at the expense of some others in there. All this seemed to last an eternity and has seemed to pass like a flash too ... weird sensation like, 3 guys quite nice, very human, not in rock star style with us, which I enjoyed ...
Here is a souvenir that I wanted to share ...
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